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VIDEO: TOO SHORT? How to Lengthen a Beaded Curtain

You can add length to a beaded curtain yourself. For larger projects, call us and we can have them made for you in our fabrication studio here in the USA! CLICK HERE TO VISIT CUSTOM ORDER PAGE.

If you are in a hurry or you need only a few extra-long curtains, you can "do it yourself." Here is what you do: Try to pick a bead that will have a flat edge to it, if possible.

Let's just assume that you bought the Bubbles Oprah Beaded Curtain. You purchased two and you just need ONE curtain to be 10 feet long. Using regular scissors, you would cut 4 feet off of each strand of the second curtain. Now is where the glue comes in. Use any kind of glue that will work on acrylic (yep, even nail glue!). Place a dot of glue on one of the bubbles, and place it on the end of the strand from the curtain you are lengthening. Basically, you are just gluing two bubbles to each other. That's pretty much it. Just 22 strands to go and you're done!

If you choose a beaded curtain that does NOT have a flat surface, lengthening can be trickier. For example, the gemstones beaded curtains do not have a flat surface, but the emeralds, while faceted, do have a flat space in the middle of each bead, on each side.

HOT TIP We lengthen curtains as well. If you've got a particularly large job, or if you just don't want to deal with lengthening a curtain, we can certainly help you out. We make custom orders ALL THE TIME! We have made our own machine that allows us to lengthen curtains in our fabrication studio. We can do anything you need!

The easiest beaded curtains to lengthen yourself with glue are: bubbles, emeralds, diamonds, circles and squares. Also consider our PVC styles which are held together with wire rings and can be shortened or lengthened by use of the wire rings. You can also add length by cutting beads off of your second curtain and TYING them to the first curtain with fishing line (monofilament). This is more labor intensive than using glue, but it will allow you to choose just about any style of curtain to add length to.

Here is a link to the different bead types of beaded curtains we have available. After you find a bead style you like, click on it, and then all of the colors we have available will come up: Styles of Beaded Curtains Available